Saturday, June 22, 2013


The monster had friends over.
Here is a look into what happens goes on when someone else wanders into the monster's little world.

 Getting everything ready to start the application process.
They had enough makeup to start a beauty supply store.

Fancy shoes are always a must.
Yes, this is a "pair" of shoes on one child. 
The creativity of small children is boundless.

 Time to start fixing hair! Hair styling is not the monster's strong suit so by the time all was said and done someone else had done hair rather than her.

Anyone up for a mani/pedi?? 
This crew sure was!
Polish was flying everywhere. The monster loves painting nails and isn't half bad at it.


This is the monster's bossy face. 
I took this one for blackmail.
She was having an attitude and it was an ugly one. 
I don't call her the monster for nothing.

Overall the girls had a blast. They always have tons of fun hanging out together and playing. The monster can't wait for their next playdate.

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